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Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.

Interested In Becoming Licensed? 

There are several steps in obtaining an assisted living home license. If you are interested in obtaining a license you can download and print a New Home Application Packet below and submit the completed packet to our office. Your application will be reviewed by a supervisor and assigned to a specialist, who will work closely with you to ensure your application meets all of the licensing requirements. An onsite inspection will also be scheduled as part of the new home application process.

Applications (Fillable)

For questions about obtaining an assisted living home license, please email Krysti Ferriss or

New Provider Orientation - Assisted Living Licensing Statutes and Regulations Review and New Home Application Review – Webinar

This webinar is a condensed version of our New Provider Orientation and will only cover topics presented by Residential Licensing, include a review of the assisted living statutes and regulations and a review of the New Home application process.
This webinar will be presented through Microsoft teams and will run from 8:00am to 1:30pm AKST. Class will start promptly at 8:00am.
To register for this webinar, please email

Schedule for 2024

  • August 8th, 2024 - 8:00am to 1:30pm AKST

New Provider Orientation - Webinar

The New Provider Orientation Webinar is a two-day webinar to help educate and inform individuals of the statutes and regulations governing assisted living as well as many of the other agencies and business aspect individuals will need to be aware of while running a licensed assisted living home in the State of Alaska. This webinar is intended for those wanting to learn more about the industry, those who will/have recently become licensed, or for those currently licensed wanting a refresher.
Presenting agencies including Residential Licensing, Adult Protective Services, The Long-Term Care Ombudsman, the Governor’s Council on Disability, Workers Compensation, AKOSH, Wage and Hour, Senior and Disability Services, General Relief Program, The Alaska Training Cooperative, and the Anchorage Police Department.
This webinar will be presented through Microsoft teams and will run from 8:00am to 4:30pm AKST on both days, with regularly scheduled breaks and an hour lunch. Class will start promptly at 8:00am.
To register for this webinar, please email

Schedule for 2024

  • November 6th and 7th, 2024 8:00am to 4:30pm AKST.

New Provider Orientation - Classroom Presentation:

The New Provider Orientation – Classroom Presentation is a two-day training to help educate and inform individuals of the statutes and regulations governing assisted living homes as well as many of the other agencies and business aspect individuals will need to be aware of while running a licensed assisted living home in the State of Alaska. This training is intended for those wanting to learn more about the industry, those who will/have recently become licensed, or for those currently licensed wanting a refresher. This training is also a great way to network and meet other providers. Attendees must attend in person a virtual option is not going to be offered.
Presenting agencies including Residential Licensing, Adult Protective Services, The Long-Term Care Ombudsman, the Governor’s Council on Disability, Workers Compensation, AKOSH, Wage and Hour, Senior and Disability Services, General Relief Program, The Alaska Training Cooperative, and the Anchorage Police Department.

This classroom orientation will run from 8:00am to 4:30pm AKST on both days, with regularly scheduled breaks and an hour lunch. Class will start promptly at 8:00am. The orientation will take place at 3745 Community Park Loop, Anchorage, AK 99508 in Room 120. This orientation will not be presented virtually.                

To register for this classroom orientation, please email, to reserve a seat, seating is limited and you must be registered to attend.

Schedule for 2024

  • May 8th and 9th 8:00am to 4:30pm AKST.