Pardon Our Progress! We’re working hard to improve our website. Some information may not be the most current during this process. Please use the contact information on the website for assistance.
Employer Resource Documents:
Alaska Society of Human Resource Management Conference from AlaskaDHSS on Vimeo.
Customized Employment PowerPoints:
Transition Resources:
This has curriculum in the table of contents for integrating self-exploration, career exploration and career planning and management into the ILP. Soft skills, financial literacy and many other exciting facets are contained in this with example ILP activities as well.
Project SEARCH:
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority’s Beneficiary Employment Initiative:
Employer Resource Pages – Hiring Individuals with Disabilities:
Duane Mayes, Director of the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services
State of Alaska Employment Related Resources (Self-Advocates, Families, Providers & Educators):
Benefits Resources & Training:
State of Alaska Provisional Hire Program: