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Contact Info:
State of Alaska
WIC Program OfficePhone: 907-465-3100
Fax: 907-465-3416
PO Box 110612
Juneau, AK 99801
WIC Eligibility
WIC is for all kinds of families: married & single parents, mothers-to-be, working or not working. If you are a father, mother, grandparent, foster parent or other legal guardian of a child under 5 years of age, you can apply for your child.
You can participate in WIC if you:
- Live in Alaska
- Have a nutritional need (WIC staff can help determine this)
- Are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman
- Have a child under 5
- Meet income guidelines. Working families may qualify, please click here for
WIC Income Guidelines.
- Are a foster parent (Foster children are eligible based on the child's income, not based on the foster parent's income. You will be asked to prove that you are the court appointed foster parent.)
If you or your children are income eligible for Food Stamps, Medicaid, Denali Kid Care, and/or and Alaska Temporary Assistance Program (ATAP) then your income meets WIC guidelines.
Please use the
WIC PreScreening Tool to check to see if you may qualify for WIC. (
This is not an application to WIC. You still need to visit your local WIC clinic to apply for WIC benefits.)
How to Apply